Monday, September 12, 2005

Deafening Silence

Over and over, I notice how President is getting most of the blame for the mess in New Orleans.

Yet, where are the screams for his head in Mississippi and Alabama?

Buloxi was almost wiped from the face of the earth. Yet, most of the people there evacuated and loss of life was low. Mobile was also devistated, and once again the loss of life is low. Both areas praise FEMA, National Hurricane Center, National Weather Service, and other national organizations.

I notice that the only screams we hear are from New Orleans and Louisiana, or people who use them as an example of what went wrong.

So what went right in Mississippi? Why are they equally devistated in reguards to property, yet had far less people killed and injured?

Looks to me that Louisiana has more to explain then President Bush does.


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